Uses of the Past in International Economic Relations
Mats Larsson
Professor of Economic History
Uppsala University and Uppsala Centre for Business History
Mats Larsson is a Professor in Economic History, Uppsala University and Head of Uppsala Centre for Business History (UCBH).
PhD in Economic History 1986
Associate professor in Economic History 1992
Professor in Economic History, Uppsala University from 1997
Guest professor in Business Studies, Uppsala University 1999-2002
Head of Uppsala Centre for Business History from 2008
Mats Larsson wrote his PhD thesis in the field of social history, but has thereafter been concentrating on business and financial history. He has among other areas worked with the constitution of big business in Sweden and the development of the Swedish insurance system. However, his major research area has been the development of financial systems and especially the relationship between the state and the market. Larsson is the principal investigator in UPIER work package 3, Regulatory traditions and legislative homogenization.