Uses of the Past in International Economic Relations
Piet Clement
Historian and Head of the Information & Collaboration section
Bank for International Settlements
Piet Clement (°1966) obtained his PhD in Modern History at the Catholic University Leuven, Belgium, with a dissertation on Belgian public finance (1830-1940). He currently works as historian and Head of the Information & Collaboration section at the Bank for International Settlements (, in Basel, Switzerland. The BIS is an international organisation of central banks that promotes the pursuit of monetary and financial stability, fosters international cooperation in those areas and acts as a bank for central banks. Piet’s research interests include international financial and monetary cooperation, political history and the history of Central Africa. His role in the UPIER project as a member of the Advisory Board is to provide advice and support, to review project output on request, and to facilitate research, in particular in the archives of the BIS.