An update of recent and upcoming publications by UPIER team members.
O’Sullivan, M. (2016) Dividends of Development. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN: 9780199584444
Dividends of Development: Securities Markets in the History of U.S. Capitalism, 1865-1922, explains how U.S. securities markets became central to the institutional fabric of U.S. capitalism.
Larsson, M., and Söderberg, G. Finance in the Welfare State: Banking Development and the Regulatory Principles in Sweden 1900-2015.
Accepted book at Palgrave, to be published 2017.
Book Chapters
Larsson, M. (2016) Banks, owners and the state. The long-term development and structure of Swedish commercial banks. In: Lescure, M. (ed.) Immortal Banks. Strategies, Structures and Performance of major Banks. Droz: Geneva.
The chapter deals with the structural changes in Swedish banking since the late 19th Century. Special attention is given to the role of the state in the structural development of the banking system. The long-term survival and development of the Swedish banks Handelsbanken and SEB is also analyzed.
Larsson, M., Altamura, E., and Cassis, Y. (2016) Commercial and Financial Services. In: Cassis, Y., Colli, A., and Schröter, H. (eds.) The Performance of European Business in the Twentieth Century. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN: 9780198749776
This chapter deals with the economic performance of the service and banking sectors in eight European countries during the 20th Century.
Battilossi, S. (2017) Structural fiscal imbalances, financial repression and sovereign debt sustainability in Southern Europe, 1970s‒90s. In: Buggeln M., Daunton, M., and Nutzenadel A. (eds.) The Political Economy of Public Finance, Taxation, State Spending and Debt since the 1970s. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN: 9781107140127
Due for publication in March 2017